Email Signature

Set up your Email Signature
Email Signature

Email Signature Set Up:

Email signatures are the equivalent of your printed business cards - small, simple, but no-less essential to your brand and to your individual professional persona.

I will code your signature to match your corporate brand OR I’ll design you something awesome from my brain.

Any information you want, for example: your name, contact number, social links and your company logo.


The email signature code in HTML and also a ready to use format.

A professional design which will match your brand identity.

My guidance when it comes to UK legal requirements for signatures (yes there are actual laws to follow).

Installation guidance

All appropriate links to your social profiles and website ect

Split available (up to 4 URL's!)

100% customer sanctification

We accept any niche/language but no adult content.

  • Created Using: PHP, HTML5, CSS3
  • Delivery: 1 Day
  • By: Studio One Cloud
  • Original Link: Email Signature
  • : GBP £ 25

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